Global Vaccine Action Plan 2011-2020 – Review and Lessons Learned: Strategic Advisory Group of Experts on Immunisation
The Global Vaccine Action Plan 2011–2020 (GVAP) was developed to help realise the vision of the Decade of Vaccines, that all individuals and communities enjoy lives free from vaccine-preventable diseases. As the decade draws to a close, it is time to take stock of the progress made under GVAP and to apply the lessons learned to the global immunisation strategy for the next decade.
This report has been prepared for the Strategic Advisory Group of Experts on Immunisation (SAGE) by the SAGE Decade of Vaccines Working Group (Annex 1).
This report expands on the annual assessment reports prepared by the SAGE Decade of Vaccines Working Group. It considers the entire decade, drawing on a review of progress toward GVAP’s goals and objectives as well as the perceptions of stakeholders captured through three surveys, which elicited 310 responses from immunisation stakeholders, and two sets of semi-structured interviews with 80 stakeholders undertaken in 2017–2019. It also incorporates valuable insights from Working Group members and the representatives of partner organisations and WHO regional offices who have made important contributions to annual assessments. Annex 3 provides links to the full body of evidence used to generate this report.
This document reflects on the lessons learned from GVAP, and makes recommendations for the development, content and implementation of the next global immunisation strategy.