Overview of ending cholera – A global roadmap to 2030

World Health Organisation
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The Global Task Force on Cholera Control (GTFCC) is a network of cholera experts, including governments, nongovernmental organizations (NGOs), United Nations agencies, scientific experts and others, who share the belief that collective action can stop cholera transmission and end cholera deaths. In 2011, by resolution WHA64.15, the World Health Assembly recommended that the World Health Organization (WHO) revitalize the GTFCC and strengthen the work of WHO in combating cholera, including through improved collaboration with and coordination among relevant stakeholders. The GTFCC was accordingly revitalized in 2014 with the support of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

The fourth meeting of the GTFCC was held at the Fountains Hotel, Cape Town, South Africa, on 21–22 June 20171. The meeting was attended by around 40 members of the GTFCC, representatives of the ministries of health from Zambia, Zimbabwe, Zanzibar and Malawi, and representatives of WHO from South Sudan and Somalia country offices, the WHO Regional Office for Africa and headquarters. The meeting was co-chaired by Professor David Sack from Johns Hopkins University and Dr Frew Benson, Chief Director for Communicable Diseases, National Department of Health, South Africa.

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