A midterm review was undertaken to assess progress made by the WHO European Region (the Region) in implementing the European Vaccine Action Plan 2015-2020 (EVAP) as of its mid-point at the end of 2017. This report documents progress made by the Region with a focus on the EVAP goals and reflects upon the key challenges in achieving the outlined targets in the EVAP. Overall, the Region is on track for maintaining its polio-free status (Goal 1), off track for verification of measles and rubella elimination in all 53 Member States by 2020 (Goal 2), pending validation to ascertain the control of hepatitis B (Goal 3), at risk of not reaching vaccination targets (Goal 4), on track for making evidence-based decisions about introduction of new and underutilised vaccines (Goal 5) and on track for securing the financial sustainability of national immunisation programmes (Goal 6).