  • Oral Cholera Vaccine
  • Access
  • Supply
  • Demand
  • Price
  • Forecasting
  • Manufacturing
  • Global
2017 — 2024

Support the Market Information for Access to Vaccines (MI4A) initiative


Assess global supply, demand and price dynamics for key vaccine markets and advise on how to best address constraints to safe, effective, quality and affordable vaccines for all. 

Image Credit: MMGH/Thomas Cherian
  • Focus Project
  • To support the WHO MI4A initiative to enhance access to safe, effective, quality and affordable vaccines for all.
  • To help maintain WHOs in-depth and up-to-date understanding of global vaccine markets dynamics and support them to develop policy and programmatic recommendations that account for and address existing and potential challenges to vaccine access.
MMGH supported the MI4A initiative by facilitating consultations and discussions with immunization and industry stakeholders and establishing a market intelligence monitoring system to maintain up-to-date understanding of key vaccine market dynamics. This allows WHO to understand risks and opportunities to vaccine access. MMGH also defined a framework for market analyses, developed supply and demand forecast, analysed pricing trends and assessed the health of the vaccine market. Based on the intelligence and assessment, MMGH provided WHO with expert advice on emerging market trends and risks. This was delivered in the form of briefings, reports, presentations, workshops and expert group meetings.

MI4A’s advisory group endorsed nine market studies and two global vaccine market reports. These have contributed to increasing transparency of market conditions for selected vaccines, empowering countries to tailor their policy and procurement strategies, and in turn help to achieve the goal of increasing access to vaccines. The findings also assisted WHO to develop policy and programmatic recommendations that account for and address existing and potential challenges to vaccine access.

Focus Area
Project Outputs
Bacillus Calmette-Guérin (BCG) vaccine: A global assessment of demand and supply balance
Global market study: BCG vaccine
Global market update: BCG vaccine
Global market study: Diphtheria and Tetanus containing vaccines
Global market study: HPV vaccines
Global market study: Meningococcal meningitis vaccines
Global market study: Pneumococcal conjugate (PCV) and polysaccharide (PPV) vaccines
Global market study: Typhoid Vaccines
Global vaccine market report 2022: a shared understanding for equitable access to vaccines
MI4A Market Studies
Price transparency is a step towards sustainable access in middle income countries