  • COVID-19
  • Asia
  • Access
  • Vaccine
  • Demand Forecast
  • Supply Forecast
2021 — 2021

Market analysis on COVID-19 vaccine regional self-sufficiency for Asian countries 


Testing regional self-sufficiency for access to the COVID-19 vaccine in Asia. 

  • To understand regional self-sufficiency for the COVID-19 vaccine in Asia and assess if it’s achievable.
  • To ensure seamless access to the COVID-19 vaccine in the region.
MMGH analysed regional demand for COVID-19 vaccines across all Asian Development Bank (ADB) supported countries and manufacturing capacity in the region. Based on the findings, MMGH assessed regional self-sufficiency to supply regional demand with locally produced vaccines. The insights from the analyses were presented to the ADB and used to inform it’s COVID-19 vaccine investment strategy.

The recommendations contributed to inform the ADB COVID-19 vaccine investment strategy.

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